Where do you want to begin?
Face to face
First, we meet face to face. You get to know us as people (not just accountants), and we get to know who you are. That way, if we do end up working together, we're on our way to a great working relationship - not a faceless supplier who delivers accounting and tax returns.
Have a chat
We talk about what matters to you. We'll have a chat, pull out the whiteboard as we discuss ideas, and we'll talk about what matters to you and your family.
Discuss services
The services you may need are discussed. Based on what matters to you, we'll discuss what services would deliver on those priorities.
Proposal & fees
We send you a proposal including fee quote. After this meeting, we send you a summary of our understanding of what you need, as well as any related fee quotes, and then you can choose what suits you best.
Meet again
Come back in. You're welcome to come back and discuss the proposal with us – or of course, if you're ready to start, you can do so anytime.

How much will it cost?
The fees you pay really do depend on what you need. We'll be up front and crystal clear with you about any fees, and our process will help us determine what those may be. You're in control of what services you want (or don't want) – and we will give you our expert opinion as to what will help you achieve your goals or sort out any issues.